 "Dharma Punks", rock`n`roll' Sparkplug
 "Counter Culture", rock`n`roll' Sparkplug
 rock`n`roll' Sparkplug
 "Jorn", Classic Metal' Jorn
 "pathosray", Prog Metal' pathosray
 "Emily and the orgasm addicts", rock`n`roll, punk' Emily and the orgasm addicts
 "Scare yourself", Rock`n`roll' D.A.D.
 "the first chapter", Prog - Metal: Circus Maximus
 "The Sickness Within", Power Metal: Hatesphere
 "The Killing Ep", Power Metal: Hatesphere
 "Ballet of the Brute" Power Metal: Hatesphere
 "Blood red Hatred",Power Metal: Hatesphere
 "For the love of art and the making", Dark Metal: Beyond Twilight
 "Section X", Dark Metal: Beyond Twilight
 "The devils hall of fame", Dark metal: Beyond Twilight
 "The Shadow Cabinet", Epic Metal: Wuthering Heights
 "Far from the madding crowd", Epic Metal: Wuthering Heights
 "To travel forevermore", Epic Metal: Wuthering Heights
 "The Duke", Classic Metal: Jorn
 "The Unexpected", Power Metal: Beautiful Sin
 "Keeper of the seven Keys", Heavy Metal: Helloween
 "Dc. Stein", Heavy Metal: Helloween
 "Chameleon", Heavy Metal: Helloween
 "Live in the UK",Heavy Metal: Helloween
 "The Time of the oath", Heavy Metal: Helloween
 "Master of the rings", Heavy Metal: Helloween
 "The Time of the oath", Heavy Metal: Helloween
 "Mr. Ego", Heavy Metal: Helloween
 "I want out", Heavy Metal: Helloween
 "Steel Tormentor", Heavy Metal: Helloween
 "Perfect gentleman", Heavy Metal: Helloween
 "Power", Heavy Metal: Helloween
 "Better than raw", Heavy Metal: Helloween
 "The Black Circus Part 1",Power Metal: Manticora
 "8 Deadly Sins", Power Metal: Manticora
 "Hyperion",Power Metal: Manticora
 "Devil«s Bridge",Metal: The Prowlers
 "Waiting in the Wings",Prog. Metal: Seventh Wonder
 "Arv", Country & Folk: Jan Michael & Julie Bendt
 "Submit", Metal: Iildisposed
 Melodic Rock: Marty Peters Group
 Mastered by Tommy Hansen: Avian
 Mastered by Tommy Hansen: Sideblast
 "Black Empire"Heavy Metal: Force of Evil
 "Mental Torment", Prog. Metal: Spheric Universe Experience
 Metal: Stomped
 "Nine",Prog Heavy Metal: Platitude
 pop: Saybia
 "All The Way To The Sun", Metal-Pop' TNT
 "My Religion", Metal-Pop' TNT
 "Give me a sign", Metal-Pop' TNT
 "The big bang", Metal-Pop: TNT
 classic rock - coversongs: Mickey Lee
 "Infinety Divine",Prog Heavy Metal: Pagan`s Mind
 "Planet Panic", Heavy Metal: Pretty Maids
 "Spooked", Heavy Metal: Pretty Maids
 Heavy Metal' LA
 "Secrets of life", Prog Heavy Metal: Platitude
 Rock`n`roll with danish lyrics: The Play-offs
 Blues: Simon Hoirup Band
 Metal: Burden Of Grief
 Folk-blues: Max Wollf
 Rock`n`roll: Curtains Drawn
 glamrock-pop: Brimstone butterfly
 Metal: Stomped
 dansk troubadur musik: Det lysner
 60`rock`n`roll: Zodiacs
 rock`n`roll: Inside the whale
 pop: Bjorn & Okay
 pop: Steam
 pop: Fruitcage
 deep metal: Twilight ( Beyond Twilight )
 pop: Poulin & de lidt brugte
 rock`n`roll: Gomp
 rock`n`roll: Gracelands
 rock`n`roll: Gracelands
 rock`n`roll: Dang
 pop: Hanne Lynge & Soulmates
 Heavy Metal: Dirty Deeds
 Heavy Metal: Fate
 "Of wars in Osyrhia", Heavy Metal: Fairyland
 pop: Velo Vagn
 pop, rock`n`roll: Charlie Dee & the Twisters
 pop: Daisy
 Blues rock: Bad Monday
 pop: Anne-Marie Busk
 pop, rock`n`roll: Angel & the Rattlesnakes
 rock`n`roll: Jeanne
 rock`n`roll, pop: Green Mirror ( Storm )
 blues, rock`n`roll: Ole Friis
 rock`n`roll: Impotators
 rock`n`roll: Why
 Hard rock: Victory
 rock`n`roll: Third stone from the sun
 rock`n`roll, pop: Storm
 rock`n`roll, pop: Storm
 rock`n`roll: Sunshine Explosions
 Heavy Metal: Ironfire
 Heavy Metal: Ironfire
 Jazz, Blues: Jesper Bjarnesen & Kluvers Big band
 rock`n`roll,Blues: Joal
 rock`n`roll, pop: Kick the kangaroo
 Blues: King Bisquit and the Crackers
 Jazz: Jazznoedderne
 Classic: Kaare Norge
 Heavy Metal: Mansson
 Blues: Max Wollf
 Bluesrock: Merzy
 Ambient: Regnfang
 pop, rock`n`roll: She`s China
 Heavy Metal: Skagarack
 Heavy Metal: Ambidextrous
 pop: Bjorn Tidmand
 Metal: Barcode
 Metal: Barcode
 Fjordblæserne: Fjordblæserne
 Heavy Metal: Heavenly
 Krudtuglerne: Krudtuglerne
 pop: Lea Nilsson
 pop: Johnny Madsen
 pop: Who`s who
 pop: Woodcockweatherkings
 Metal: Magni
 Hillbilly Punk: Godless Wicked Creeps
 Melodic Rock: Marty Peters Group